
Burak Altın
3 min readDec 30, 2022

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic concept that values imperfection, impermanence, and the beauty of natural objects and processes. It is a way of seeing and appreciating the world that emphasizes the uniqueness and individuality of things, and celebrates their imperfections and flaws.

At its core, wabi-sabi is about finding beauty in things that are imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It is a way of looking at the world that recognizes that everything is constantly changing and that nothing lasts forever. Rather than trying to hide or fix flaws or imperfections, wabi-sabi celebrates them as part of the natural process of life.

There are several key elements of wabi-sabi, including:

  • Imperfection: Wabi-sabi values the imperfections and flaws that are inherent in all things. These might include cracks, chips, or other blemishes that are seen as part of the natural process of aging and wear.
  • Impermanence: Wabi-sabi recognizes that everything is constantly changing and that nothing lasts forever. It values the beauty of things that are fleeting or ephemeral, such as a cherry blossom in bloom or a leaf falling from a tree.
  • Naturalness: Wabi-sabi values the natural beauty of objects and materials, and celebrates the unique qualities that come from the materials themselves. This might include the patina of a well-worn piece of wood, or the rough texture of a handmade pottery piece.
  • Simplicity: Wabi-sabi values simplicity and minimalism, and celebrates the beauty of…

